Monday, January 03, 2005

Debian is Great !

Ya I understood the power of DEBIAN .Its really great. You may try that by just opening a 500 Image files using the Animate command. I tried the same in the Fedora core 3. It got stuck. In debian it just took 30 Seconds to open the files. Also one dis advantage i found is that, I was not able to configure my Nvdia card for it. Also Xine get some times stuck after playing. I found the remedy, going for Mplayer which is the best media player in Linux and Windows ( Try the Windows Version Even the Bsplayer is the simple GUI for Mplayer ).

Some thing Great that i Never expect to happen happened on y'strday night, I telephoned my Elder sister Smitha. As you all dont know, I wasn't in good touch with her. this somehow reduced the distance between us bt not fully. Also I didnt get even one response from Manju Oppol after coming back from US. Should I call her ? Is it my Jhada preventing me from that ? Dont know . Need to find it out.

Electrical Drives exam was cool ! I was in the last bench sitting with Shankar and also with the text book open( kept under the table ) . I could write all the questions correctly . Thanks to SHANKAR AND DUBEY.

Time to Go and Sleep.

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